Library of Congress: World largest library

3 min readMar 4, 2021


I wish all the libraries should be beautiful and interesting like the library of congress.

Photo by Stephen Walker on Unsplash

Who likes to read books? Well, I don't like reading at all. I hate even those people who like books and libraries. When I saw People reading books in the library, I used to think about who these people are and why? But when I saw the library of congress suddenly start loving libraries. Trust me guys, I have never seen such a beautiful and big library in my entire life. This library is located in Washington, DC, in the United State Of America.

Some interesting fact of Library Of Congress

Photo by Stephen Walker on Unsplash

Collection of Library Of Congress

It is the National Library of America. You guys are going to be surprised to know that more than 3.2 million records and 5.5 million maps can be collected in this library. More than 68 million manuscripts and 15 million photographs are present in this library. This library is very interesting because you can see one of the smallest books in the library of Congress, which is known as the “old king cole”. This library has more than 167 million elements in some 470 languages.

History of the library of Congress

Friends I never had the pleasure to know about the library, but after seeing this library I had to know a lot about it. Guys, you will be amazed to know that during the civil war of 1812 in 1814 mostly all the collections had been destroyed by the British. In 1815 library bought 6,487 books of Thomas Jefferson to restore its collection. In 1851 a lot of collections had been destroyed by the fire in the library’s capital chambers and this fire two-third of the collection of Thomas Jefferson was also destroyed.

Another language

Guys, you are going to be surprised to know that the Library holds more than 550000 volumes of Middle Eastern and Africans Materials in non - Roman script. It also holds more than 2.5 million elements of Asia like China, Japan, and Tibet. You can see more than 750,000 Russian elements and it also holds European and Latin American elements.

Virtual Format

In 1931 library of Congress take the initiative to provide books to blind people. In 1994 National Digital Library Program was launched by the Library of Congress. In 2000 history project was established by Congress to protect the memories of the country’s war veterans. It is one of the libraries that hold the collection of scientific and technical information.

Why you should go here

Photo by Sarina gear on Unsplash

This library will remind you Paris opera house. There would be peace in common libraries, but friends, you will not get much peace here because it is a traveling place. You will find many people like us who will not have any interest in books, but they come here only to see the beauty of this library.

This library is one of the most attractive and amazing locations in the entire United States of America. Guys the beauty of this library increases, even more, when we get to know that this library represents that knowledge is the same for all, irrespective of its language. Guys, I think you must go here once.

